Low Reorder Documentation


Low Reorder uses Sets of sortable entries. By default, only SuperAdmins can create new sets. Go to Add-ons → Extensions → Low Reorder Settings to select which other member groups are also allowed to create sets. Low Reorder Sets have the following properties:


Set Label

  • Full name of the set.

Set name

  • Short name of the set: single word, no spaces, underscores and dashes allowed


  • You can optionally add notes to the Set. These will be displayed above the sortable list of entries. HTML is allowed.

New entries

  • You can choose to Append or Prepend new entries to the Set list.

Clear cache

  • You can choose to have the clear cache checkbox on the Reorder Entries page checked or unchecked by default.

Filter Options

For each Set, you can define several Filters, which will result in the sortable entries list. These filters reflect the parameters you’d use for a channel:entries tag, and are set automatically when using the low_reorder:entries tag. They are:

  • Show expired entries;
  • Show future entries;
  • Show sticky entries only;
  • Channels (required);
  • Statuses (required);
  • Categories;
  • Search fields.

Show sticky entries only The native sticky parameter will show all entries with the sticky ones on the top. Low Reorder takes a slightly different approach: you can filter by sticky entries. That means if you set this filter to Yes, only entries with their Sticky option enabled will be shown.

Categories The Categories filter has four options:

  1. Show entries from all categories: ignore categories altogether;
  2. Show uncategorized entries only: display entries that have no categories assigned to them;
  3. Filter entries by category: filter entries by the selected categories;
  4. Show entries per single category: choose a category (limited by the selected category groups) before reordering entries. Each category will result in a different list.

Note: when using the fourth option, the category parameter should be set in the Entries tag and should contain a single category ID.

Search fields Search fields filters reflect the search:field_name= parameters available in the channel:entries tag. You can create as many as you like. To add a Search field filter, click Add search filter, select a channel field and enter a value as if it was the parameter, for example pickles|shoes or not IS_EMPTY.


Per member group, you can choose whether members of that group can access both the Set settings and reorder its entries or just reorder the entries in that Set. You can also hide a Set from a member group by setting its permissions to No access.

Reorder Entries

To reorder the entries in a set, just drag and drop the entry titles in the desired order and Save. Clearing the cache is optional. If the set has Notes, they will be shown above the entry list. Hovering over the entry title will display the entry ID, status and a link to the Edit form. You can change what is shown in the entries list by creating an extension which uses the low_reorder_show_entries hook.


Having problems setting up and/or using Low Reorder? Support is offered from 10am to 4pm EST weekdays. Send us an email at help@eeharbor.com and we will respond as quickly as we can.