Charge Upgrade Documentation

Stripe SCA Update

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), a new rule coming into effect on September 14, 2019 as part of PSD2 regulation in Europe to reduce fraud and make online payments more secure.

Charge Form Migration Steps

Migrating to the updated version of Charge requires you to remove your existing credit card fields. Charge (Stripe) will now insert these fields on the fly for you and all payment processing will be handled on the same page (without a refresh). This ensures that no credit card data can be sent to your server for security and PCI compliance.

You will lose some control of the design of your fields, but you can style the new fields using the method outlined below.

Step 1: Remove the `return_error` parameter from your forms. Errors are now handled inline in the form.

Step 2: Remove all credit card fields from your form (this includes the {if have_card_token} conditional) and add the new Stripe Elements fields.

After (important elements highlighted in green):

Step 3: Change your javascript template code.


Step 4: Style your form.

Using the elements_options and card_form_options params in the chargeForm function.

You can find the full option list in the Stripe docs.


Having problems setting up and/or using Charge Upgrade? Support is offered from 10am to 4pm EST weekdays. Send us an email at and we will respond as quickly as we can.