Subscriptions are a simple way to manage members, their member groups and various emails that are part of a standard membership site.
Subscriptions can be triggered by Actions after a successful transaction. Once a member is added to a subscription, the various rules as defined in the subscription are enforced. That covers Success member group, Failure member group, and emails for Welcome, Recurring and Failure emails.
Create a new Subscription in the Charge CP > Subscriptions. When you've created the Subscription, just tie it to an Action. Simply add the 'on_success' param to your {exp:charge:form}
and bingo, you're done.
Note: The user will need to be logged in during the purchase for the member to be added to the subscription (obviously). Guest purchases will be ignored for any subscriptions
Note: To properly use Subscriptions, you'll need to setup the Webhook Callback URLs in your Stripe account.
- Success Member Group
- The member group the user will be moved to after a successful purchase.
- Failure Member Group
- The member group the user will be moved to (if) their recurring payment fails. A failure can be caused by their payment being declined, their subscription ending (ie. if an Admin stops their plan from the Stripe dashboard), or other reasons.
- Welcome Email
- A welcome email to send to the member when they join the subscription and are moved to the success member group
- Recurring Payment
- A recurring email that's sent after each successful recurring payment
- Subscription End
- An email sent when the user's subscription fails. Sent at the same time as the member moved to the Failure Member Group
- Subscription Updated New in 1.10.0
- An email when the customer joins this subscription from a different subscription plan. ie. When the user upgrades/downgrades between plans via the front-end {exp:charge:update_plan_form} tag