Charge Upgrade Documentation


Actions are triggered afer a successful transaction. You can use them to send customer and admin emails from your site, update entries and add members to Subscriptions.


Setting up a new Action is simple. In the EE CP, visit the Charge addon view, then the Actions tab. You can create a new action from there. You'll see a screen like this :


Actions have the following options:


Options to send an email to customer and admins. Set options for subject, template and email addresses as appropriate.

In the email template body and subject all the variables from {exp:charge:info} are available.

Note: Emails can also be sent directly from Stripe. Set that in your Stripe dashboard.

Update Entry

Options to update an entry. The entry must be editable by the current user.

Requires a param of 'on_success:entry_id' or 'on_success:url_title' to be included on the {exp:charge:form} tag.

All entry fields can be updated by passing values via 'on_success:field_name' where field_name is the name of the field. (ie. 'title', 'transaction_hash' etc..)

Add Member to Subscription

Adds the current member to a subscription. Great to control a user's member groups and recurring emails based on their payments.

More about using subscriptions for your members.


Once you've setup your action all that's needed is to add a value of 'on_success="action_shortname"', where action_shortname is the shortname you set when you created the action.

For example, if we've created an action called 'Email All', with a shortname of 'email_all', you'd simply need to do the following :


After a successful payment the action will be triggered.


Having problems setting up and/or using Charge Upgrade? Support is offered from 10am to 4pm EST weekdays. Send us an email at and we will respond as quickly as we can.