Celltype Development
Developing a celltype for Matrix is just as easy as creating a fieldtype in EE. In fact, the first step is to create one.
The only function required to get your fieldtype to show up as a Matrix celltype is display_cell() <#display_cell>
Celltype Functions
Here are all of the Matrix-specific functions you can add:
display_cell_settings( $data )
Adds custom cell settings to the Matrix Configuration setting within the Edit Field form.
An array of the previously-saved celltype settings for the current column.
A multidimensional array of setting name/HTML pairs.
class My_celltype_ft
// ...
function display_cell_settings( $data )
if (! isset($data['maxl']))
$data['maxl'] = '';
if (! isset($data['multiline']))
$data['multiline'] = 'n';
return array(
array(lang('maxl'), form_input('maxl', $data['maxl'], 'class="matrix-textarea"')),
array(lang('multiline'), form_checkbox('multiline', 'y', ($data['multiline'] == 'y')))
// ...
save_cell_settings( $data )
Modifies the Matrix cell settings’ post data before it gets saved to the database.
Post data that came from any inputs you created in display_cell_settings()
An array with the modified post data.
class My_celltype_ft
// ...
function save_cell_settings( $data )
if (! is_numeric($data['maxl']))
$data['maxl'] = 0;
return $data;
// ...
settings_modify_matrix_column( $data )
Modifies the settings of your exp_matrix_data column(s).
The data about your column that was inserted into exp_matrix_cols, as well as a “matrix_action” key that describes what Matrix is about to do to it (“add”, “get_data”, or “delete”).
Array with the settings for your exp_matrix_data columns, which will be passed to dbforge->add_column() upon creation, and dbforge->modify_column() when changed.
class My_celltype_ft
// ...
function settings_modify_matrix_column($data)
// decode the col settings
$settings = unserialize(base64_decode($data['col_settings']));
switch ($settings['content'])
case 'integer':
return array('col_id_'.$data['col_id'] => array('type' => 'int', 'default' => 0));
case 'numeric':
return array('col_id_'.$data['col_id'] => array('type' => 'float', 'default' => 0));
// ...
display_cell( $data )
Creates the custom Matrix cell HTML for the Publish form.
The previously-saved cell data.
Other Variables
Combination of your fieldtype’s global settings and the column settings.
The Matrix field’s field_id.
The Matrix field’s field_name, e.g. “field_id_1”.
The row’s row_id.
The column’s col_id.
The name you give your cell input.
String of HTML to be inserted into the Matrix cell in the Publish form
class My_celltype_ft
// ...
function display_cell( $data )
return '<textarea class="matrix-textarea" name="'.$this->cell_name.'" rows="1">'.$data.'</textarea>';
// ...
validate_cell( $data )
Validates the Matrix cell’s post data before it gets saved to the database.
The cell’s post data.
Other Variables
Combination of your fieldtype’s global settings, the column settings, and the variables “col_id”, “col_name”, “col_required”, and “row_name”.
Either the validation error, or TRUE
if there isn’t an error.
class My_celltype_ft
// ...
function validate_cell( $data )
if ($this->settings['col_required'] == 'y')
if (! $data)
return lang('col_required');
return TRUE;
// ...
save_cell( $data )
Modifies the Matrix cell’s post data before it gets saved to the database.
The cell’s post data.
Other Variables
Combination of your fieldtype’s global settings, the column settings, and the variables “col_id”, “col_name”, “col_required”, and “row_name”.
The modified post data
class My_celltype_ft
// ...
function save_cell( $data )
if ($data == ' ')
$data = '';
return $data;
// ...
post_save_cell( $data )
Performs actions after a row has been saved.
The cell’s post data, or the data returned by save_cell()
Other Variables
Combination of your fieldtype’s global settings, the column settings, the col_id, col_name, row_id, and row_name
delete_rows( $row_ids )
Performs actions right before rows get deleted.
The row IDs about to be deleted.