Matrix Documentation

Celltype Development

Developing a celltype for Matrix is just as easy as creating a fieldtype in EE. In fact, the first step is to create one.

The only function required to get your fieldtype to show up as a Matrix celltype is display_cell() <#display_cell>_.

Celltype Functions

Here are all of the Matrix-specific functions you can add:

display_cell_settings( $data ) Adds custom cell settings to the Matrix Configuration setting within the Edit Field form.


$data An array of the previously-saved celltype settings for the current column.


A multidimensional array of setting name/HTML pairs.


class My_celltype_ft
    // ...

    function display_cell_settings( $data )
        if (! isset($data['maxl']))
            $data['maxl'] = '';

        if (! isset($data['multiline']))
            $data['multiline'] = 'n';

        return array(
            array(lang('maxl'), form_input('maxl', $data['maxl'], 'class="matrix-textarea"')),
            array(lang('multiline'), form_checkbox('multiline', 'y', ($data['multiline'] == 'y')))

    // ...

save_cell_settings( $data ) Modifies the Matrix cell settings’ post data before it gets saved to the database.


$data Post data that came from any inputs you created in display_cell_settings().


An array with the modified post data.


class My_celltype_ft
    // ...

    function save_cell_settings( $data )
        if (! is_numeric($data['maxl']))
            $data['maxl'] = 0;

        return $data;

    // ...

settings_modify_matrix_column( $data ) Modifies the settings of your exp_matrix_data column(s).


$data The data about your column that was inserted into exp_matrix_cols, as well as a “matrix_action” key that describes what Matrix is about to do to it (“add”, “get_data”, or “delete”).


Array with the settings for your exp_matrix_data columns, which will be passed to dbforge->add_column() upon creation, and dbforge->modify_column() when changed.


class My_celltype_ft
    // ...

    function settings_modify_matrix_column($data)
        // decode the col settings
        $settings = unserialize(base64_decode($data['col_settings']));

        switch ($settings['content'])
            case 'integer':
                return array('col_id_'.$data['col_id'] => array('type' => 'int', 'default' => 0));

            case 'numeric':
                return array('col_id_'.$data['col_id'] => array('type' => 'float', 'default' => 0));

    // ...

display_cell( $data ) Creates the custom Matrix cell HTML for the Publish form.


$data The previously-saved cell data.

Other Variables

$this->settings Combination of your fieldtype’s global settings and the column settings.

$this->field_id The Matrix field’s field_id.

$this->field_name The Matrix field’s field_name, e.g. “field_id_1”.

$this->row_id The row’s row_id.

$this->col_id The column’s col_id.

$this->cell_name The name you give your cell input.


String of HTML to be inserted into the Matrix cell in the Publish form


class My_celltype_ft
    // ...

    function display_cell( $data )
        return '<textarea class="matrix-textarea" name="'.$this->cell_name.'" rows="1">'.$data.'</textarea>';

    // ...

validate_cell( $data ) Validates the Matrix cell’s post data before it gets saved to the database.


$data The cell’s post data.

Other Variables

$this->settings Combination of your fieldtype’s global settings, the column settings, and the variables “col_id”, “col_name”, “col_required”, and “row_name”.


Either the validation error, or TRUE if there isn’t an error.


class My_celltype_ft
    // ...

    function validate_cell( $data )
        if ($this->settings['col_required'] == 'y')
            if (! $data)
                return lang('col_required');

        return TRUE;

    // ...

save_cell( $data ) Modifies the Matrix cell’s post data before it gets saved to the database.


$data The cell’s post data.

Other Variables

$this->settings Combination of your fieldtype’s global settings, the column settings, and the variables “col_id”, “col_name”, “col_required”, and “row_name”.


The modified post data


class My_celltype_ft
    // ...

    function save_cell( $data )
        if ($data == '&nbsp;')
            $data = '';

        return $data;

    // ...

post_save_cell( $data ) Performs actions after a row has been saved.


$data The cell’s post data, or the data returned by save_cell()

Other Variables

$this->settings Combination of your fieldtype’s global settings, the column settings, the col_id, col_name, row_id, and row_name

delete_rows( $row_ids ) Performs actions right before rows get deleted.


$row_ids The row IDs about to be deleted.


Having problems setting up and/or using Matrix? Support is offered from 10am to 4pm EST weekdays. Send us an email at and we will respond as quickly as we can.