Wygwam Documentation

Adding CKEditor Plugins

Wygwam makes it possible for other extensions to add new CKEditor plugins without needing to hack Wygwam’s code or place the plugin files inside Wygwam’s own folders.

The Setup

First, create a new folder in themes/third_party/ with the name of your plugin. Place whatever front-end files your plugin will be needing in there.

Then create a new folder in system/expressionengine/third_party/ with the name of your plugin, and place an ext.your_plugin_name.php file inside it.

Give that file some basic EE extension boilerplate code, with the wygwam_config hook:

<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class My_awesome_ext
    var $name           = 'My Awesome Extension';
    var $version        = '1.0';
    var $description    = '';
    var $docs_url       = 'http://example.com/';
    var $settings_exist = 'n';

    private $_hooks = array(

    public function activate_extension()
        foreach ($this->_hooks as $hook)
            ee()->db->insert('extensions', array(
                'class'    => get_class($this),
                'method'   => $hook,
                'hook'     => $hook,
                'settings' => '',
                'priority' => 10,
                'version'  => $this->version,
                'enabled'  => 'y'

    public function update_extension($current = NULL)
        return FALSE;

    public function disable_extension()
        ee()->db->where('class', get_class($this))->delete('extensions');

    public function wygwam_config($config, $settings)
        if (($last_call = ee()->extensions->last_call) !== FALSE)
            $config = $last_call;

        // Great things happen here

        return $config;

Plugin Registration

Next up, you need to tell CKEditor about your plugin. There are two steps to that:


<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class My_awesome_ext
    private static $_included_resources = FALSE;

    // ...

    public function wygwam_config($config, $settings)
        if (($last_call = ee()->extensions->last_call) !== FALSE)
            $config = $last_call;

        // Add our plugin to CKEditor
        if (!empty($config['extraPlugins']))
            $config['extraPlugins'] .= ',';

        $config['extraPlugins'] .= 'myplugin';


        return $config;

    private function _include_resources()
        // Is this the first time we've been called?
        if (!self::$_included_resources)
            // Tell CKEditor where to find our plugin
            $plugin_url = URL_THIRD_THEMES.'my_awesome_extension/myplugin/';
            ee()->cp->add_to_foot('<script type="text/javascript">CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal("myplugin", "'.$plugin_url.'");</script>');

            // Don't do that again
            self::$_included_resources = TRUE;

That _include_resources() method is a great place to include any additional CSS or JS files your plugin requires.

Adding a Toolbar Button

If your plugin has its own toolbar button, you can even make it show up in Wygwam’s toolbar configurator, using Wygwam’s wygwam_tb_groups hook:

<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class My_awesome_ext
    // ...

    private $_hooks = array(

    // ...

    public function wygwam_tb_groups($tb_groups)
        if (($last_call = ee()->extensions->last_call) !== FALSE)
            $tb_groups = $last_call;

        $tb_groups[] = array('MyPlugin');

        // Is this the toolbar editor?
        if (ee()->input->get('M') == 'show_module_cp')
            // Give our toolbar button an icon
            $icon_url = URL_THIRD_THEMES.'my_awesome_extension/myplugin/icons/myplugin.png';
            ee()->cp->add_to_head('<style type="text/css">.cke_button__myplugin_icon { background-image: url('.$icon_url.'); }</style>');

        return $tb_groups;

    // ...

With that in place, it’s probably a good idea to make some adjustments to the wygwam_config() function so that the plugin only gets registered if it was actually selected in the toolbar.

<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class My_awesome_ext
    // ...

    public function wygwam_config($config, $settings)
        if (($last_call = ee()->extensions->last_call) !== FALSE)
            $config = $last_call;

        // Check if our toolbar button has been added
        $include_btn = FALSE;

        foreach ($config['toolbar'] as $tbgroup)
            if (in_array('MyPlugin', $tbgroup))
                $include_btn = TRUE;

        if ($include_btn)
            // Add our plugin to CKEditor
            if (!empty($config['extraPlugins']))
                $config['extraPlugins'] .= ',';

            $config['extraPlugins'] .= 'myplugin';


        return $config;

    // ...

There are a couple other hooks that are called from system/expressionengine/third_party/wygwam/helper.php that enable further customization:

  • wygwam_tb_label_overrides – Use if you want to customize the ‘title’ attribute on your button within the toolbar editor.
  • wygwam_tb_combos – Use this if your plugin is adding a new combo box to the toolbar, rather than a button.


Having problems setting up and/or using Wygwam? Support is offered from 10am to 4pm EST weekdays. Send us an email at help@eeharbor.com and we will respond as quickly as we can.