Wygwam Documentation

Field Tags

The following tags are available for your Wygwam fields within {exp:channel:entries} tag pairs.

Primary Tag

Returns the full contents of your Wygwam field.

{exp:channel:entries channel="blog"}

“Read More” Tags

The following tags deal with Wygwam fields which use the new “Read More” separators.

:excerpt Tag

If your field has a “Read More” separator, this returns your Wygwam field contents up until that point. Otherwise it will return the full contents of your Wygwam field.

:has_excerpt Tag

For use in conditionals. Returns “y” if your Wygwam field has a “Read More” separator within it.


{if '{my_wygwam_field:has_excerpt}'}
    <a href="{path='blog/full-posts/{url_title}'}">Read more...</a>

:extended Tag

If your field has a “Read More” separator, this returns the remaining portion of your Wygwam field contents after that point. Otherwise it won’t return anything.


<div class="extended">

Text-Only Mode

If you pass the parameter text_only="yes" to Wygwam’s primary, :excerpt, or :extended tags, Wygwam will remove all the HTML tags from the content, leaving only the text.

{my_wygwam_field text_only="yes"}

If you just want to remove the images, but leave the rest of the HTML markup in place, you can pass remove_images="yes" instead.

{my_wygwam_field remove_images="yes"}

Images-Only Mode

If you pass the parameter images_only="yes" to Wygwam’s primary, :excerpt, or :extended tags, Wygwam will remove everything but the images from the content, and separate them with line breaks.

{my_wygwam_field images_only="yes"}

If you want to have complete control over the HTML output, use a tag pair:

    {my_wygwam_field images_only="yes"}
        <li><img src="{src}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="{alt}" /></li>

Tag Parameters

The following parameters are available to help customize the images-only output:

images_only Must be set to “yes” to enable images-only mode.

delimiter Overrides the delimiter used to separate images when using a single tag. (Set to “<br />” by default.)

offset Skips the first X images.

limit Limits the number of images to display.

Variable Tags

The following variable tags are available within the tag pair:

{width} The width of the image, whether it was specified in the style or width HTML attributes (if the former, “px” will be removed).

{height} The height of the image, whether it was specified in the style or height HTML attributes (if the former, “px” will be removed).

Attribute tags ({src}, {alt}, {title}, etc.) The value of the corresponding HTML attribute.

Style tags ({style:float}, etc.) The value of the corresponding inline CSS style.


Having problems setting up and/or using Wygwam? Support is offered from 10am to 4pm EST weekdays. Send us an email at help@eeharbor.com and we will respond as quickly as we can.