Structure Documentation

Assets are useful for calling entries into pages as support content or relating pages to them using the native EE functionality or Playa. If you enable the "Split Assets Per Entry" option each entry you create will become its own asset, instead of acting as a bridge to Add/Edit multiple entries.

Example: Callout Text

Assets are useful for calling entries into pages as support content or relating pages to them using the native EE functionality or Playa. If you enable the "Split Assets Per Entry" option each entry you create will become its own asset, instead of acting as a bridge to Add/Edit multiple entries.

{exp:channel:entries channel="your-asset-callout-channel" entry_id="XX"} <h2>Featured Event</h2> <h3>{title}</h3> <p>{custom-field-name}</p> {/exp:channel:entries}

Example: Random entries

Calling an exact entry can give your clients a way to edit specific bits of content displayed wherever you choose:

<h2>Sponsors</h2> {exp:channel:entries channel="your-asset-callout-channel" orderby="random" limit="2"} <a href="{sponsor-link}"><img src="{banner-ad-custom-field-name}" alt="title" /></a> {/exp:channel:entries}

Example: Related Entries

Assets can also be used as support information that can be shared among any channels on your site by using native EE functionality or Playa. If you had an “Instruments” channel containing entries for vocals, guitar, bass and drums you could relate each entry to a band member and display it using the following, where “member-instruments” is your related custom field:

{exp:channel:entries channel="your-band-member-channel"} <h1>{title}</h1> <ul> {member-instruments} <li>{title}</li> {/member-instruments} </ul> {/exp:channel:entries}


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