
Shortlist 4.0

March 29, 2017

Today we're pleased to announce the first release of ​​Shortlist for ExpressionEngine 2 & 3.

Playa 5

February 14, 2017

​Today we're pleased to announce the first release of ​Playa for ExpressionEngine 2 & 3.

Structure 4.1.0 Released

February 13, 2017

This release is packed with a number of enhancements to ensure the integrity of your Structure data and to help repair existing issues. We've also fixed some bugs with Channel Layouts, conflicts with other add-ons, and Structure URL issues.

Assets 3 Official Release!

February 9, 2017

​We are pleased to announce that as of today, ​Assets 3 is being taken out of its beta period, and is available for download as a full release.

Structure 4 Official Release!

January 17, 2017

We are pleased to announce that as of today, Structure 4 is out of beta and is available as a full release!

Assets 3

November 1, 2016

Today we are pleased to release Assets 3 for ExpressionEngine 2 & 3. Assets 3 is now available for purchase on

Charge 2

September 19, 2016

Charge 2 for ExpressionEngine 2 & 3 is now available!

Structure 4

September 1, 2016

It's our pleasure to announce the first official beta of ​Structure 4.0.0 for ExpressionEngine 2 & 3!

Introducing the Mega Pack!

August 29, 2016

Today we're pleased to announce the Mega Pack. The Mega Pack is an unlimited...

Structure & Assets for ExpressionEngine 3 and other happenings

August 25, 2016

Many people have been inquiring as to when Structure and Assets for ExpressionEngine 3 will be released